#1 Web Development Company

30 May 2024

Top 10 Reason: Why your business needs a Mobile App

Kirtan dudhat

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Top 10 Reason: Why your business needs a Mobile App

Mobile apps are like magic tricks for your phone, packing tons of useful stuff into a tiny package! They’re not just there for fun – they’re all about making life easier.

Think about it: need a ride? Tap an app. Hungry? Order food through an app. Want to check your bank balance? Yep, there’s an app for that too!

Businesses love apps too! They use them for booking appointments, ordering supplies, and even managing teams – all from a phone. Talk about convenience!

some businesses still see apps as an extra, something they might do someday. But that’s like saying a computer is optional! – apps make things faster and easier!

So ditch the “maybe later” – apps are a must-have for businesses today!

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Business Also Needs Mobile App

Here are 10 compelling reasons why your business should consider investing in a mobile app:

Top 10 reasons why mobile app for your business

1. Direct Customer Engagement:

Mobile apps have high rates of people opening push notifications, much higher than emails. Research suggests that push notifications are opened by over 90% of recipients, while emails are only opened by about 20% on average. This means apps can send personalized messages and updates to customers, directly connecting with them and making them more loyal to the brand.

2. 24/7 Accessibility:

Consumers are using smartphones more than ever, with studies showing that over 90% of people around the world access the internet on their phones. Having a mobile app for your business means customers can reach you anytime, day or night. They can look at your products (nearly half of all online sales in the U.S. happen on mobile devices), buy things, or get help whenever they need it. This could lead to more money coming in for your business.

3. Enhanced User Experience:

A study by Forrester found that 73% of people are much more likely to find mobile apps easy to use compared to mobile websites. This means that using apps can make customers more satisfied and engaged with the services provided.

4. Efficient Marketing channel:

Mobile apps are a great way to market products and services effectively. By collecting useful information about users, which helps customize promotions based on what customers like and how they behave. Studies have found that sending targeted emails to specific groups of people can be 100.9% the rate at which people click on those emails. Just think about how powerful it would be to use this approach for promotions within the apps themselves!

5. Improved Customer Service:

Adding features like live chat or frequently asked questions (FAQs) to your app can make it easier for customers to get help when they need it. According to Zendesk, nearly 7 out of 10 customers want companies to provide different ways to contact customer service. Having these options on a mobile app means customers can quickly find answers or get assistance whenever they use your app.

6. Competitive Advantage:

In today’s competitive business environment, having a mobile app helps you stand out. It helps you differentiate yourself from others and draw in new customers who want a user-friendly mobile experience. Nearly half of small businesses already use mobile apps to engage with customers and enhance their services.  The Google Play Store alone offers over 2.87 million apps for download, so having your own app can help you stay competitive.

7. Simplified Processes:

Mobile applications automate tasks such as booking appointments, making reservations, or placing orders, which makes businesses run smoother. This efficiency can save businesses a significant amount of money. According to research by Aberdeen Group, using mobile apps can help companies reduce their operating costs by around 10%.

8. Data Analytics:

Mobile apps can give you important information about how customers behave. This includes things like when they use the app the most and what they like to buy. By looking at this data, you can make your business better. For example, you can find out the best times to sell things or which products are most popular. This helps you plan your marketing in a smarter way.

9. Brand Visibility and Recognition:

A well-made app that matches your brand’s style helps people remember your brand when they use their phones a lot. Since many people spend over 4 hours a day on their smartphones, having an app means your brand is always on their minds.

10. Scalability and Growth:

Investing in a mobile app is a smart move for future growth.  Mobile apps let you keep up with your users as their preferences change. By gathering data from users, you can add new features to meet their evolving needs and keep them interested. In 2024, it’s expected to be worth over $541.1 billion globally. This means there’s a huge opportunity for businesses to reach a large audience through their own apps.

Don’t Get Left Behind: How a Mobile App Can Launch Your Business into the Future

In today’s world where mobile devices are central to daily life, having a mobile app can greatly benefit your business. A well-designed app can boost your customer engagement and loyalty, streamline operations, and provide valuable data for decision-making.

Creating an app might seem overwhelming, especially if you’re not a technical Person. This is where Codeklips can help. We specialize in building exceptional mobile apps for your business needs, above your customers’ expectations.

Here’s what makes us different:

Innovative Development: We work step by step with you to refine your ideas and create an app that fits your needs perfectly.

User Experience Focus: We prioritize making interfaces that are easy and enjoyable for customers to use.

Data-Oriented Approach: We use data analysis to optimize app performance and development growth.

Future-Ready Solutions: We designed apps that grow alongside your business, keeping you ahead of the game.

Ready to utilize the power of a mobile app for your business?

Contact us today for a no-cost consultation. Let’s talk about your goals and create an app that can transform your business and set you up for lasting success.

The future is mobile – don’t miss out!