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6 September 2024

Top Mobile App Development Strategies for Non-Tech Founders in Kuwait

Kirtan dudhat

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Top Mobile App Development Strategies for Non-Tech Founders in Kuwait


Mobile app development can feel like a daunting task, especially if you’re a business owner in Kuwait with little to no tech experience. But don’t worry! With the right app development strategies, you can successfully bring your idea to life. In this blog, we’ll explore the best app development strategies for non-tech founders in Kuwait, making it easy for anyone to understand.

According to a 2023 report, 68% of mobile app users in Kuwait prefer apps that offer personalized experiences.

Top Mobile App Development Strategies

1. Understand Your Market and Audience

Before diving into development, it’s crucial to understand your market and target audience. Knowing who your app is for will help you make important decisions later on. For instance, if you’re targeting young professionals in Kuwait, your app development strategies should focus on creating a user-friendly interface and providing features that resonate with their needs.

  • Tip: Conduct surveys or interviews with potential users to gather insights.
  • Remember: The more you know about your audience, the better your app will be.

2. Choose the Right Development Approach

One of the most important app development strategies is selecting the right development approach. As a non-tech founder, you may consider three main options:

Native App Development: This approach involves building apps specifically for Android or iOS. It’s known for high performance but can be expensive and time-consuming.

Cross-Platform Development: This strategy allows you to create one app that works on both Android and iOS. It’s cost-effective and quicker to develop.

Flutter Development: If you’re considering a Flutter App Development Company, you’re on the right track. Flutter is a popular framework that allows for building beautiful and efficient cross-platform apps. It’s perfect for non-tech founders because it simplifies the development process.

Note: Cross-platform development, especially with Flutter, is a smart choice for non-tech founders looking to save time and money.

3. Find a Reliable Development Partner

As a non-tech founder, partnering with the right development company is crucial. Look for a company with experience in your industry and a track record of successful projects. A Flutter App Development Company could be a great option because of Flutter’s ease of use and efficiency.

  • Tip: Check reviews and ask for references before finalizing a development partner.
  • Remember: The right partner can make or break your project.

“Choosing the right development partner is like choosing the right co-pilot for your business journey. It can determine whether your app takes off or not.”

4. Focus on a Simple and Clear Design

Your app’s design is the first thing users will notice, so it’s essential to keep it simple and clear. Non-tech founders often make the mistake of overcomplicating the design. One of the key app development strategies is to prioritize user experience (UX) over flashy design elements.

  • Tip: Ensure your app’s navigation is intuitive. Users should be able to find what they need quickly and easily.
  • Note: Simplicity is key. A clean design makes your app more visualising to a broader audience.

Studies show that 94% of users in Kuwait are likely to abandon an app if the design is too complicated or confusing.

5. Prioritize Essential Features

When developing an app, it’s tempting to include every feature imaginable. However, one of the most effective app development strategies is to prioritize essential features. This approach ensures that your app remains focused on solving the primary problem for your users.

  • Tip: Start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which includes only the most important features. You can always add more features later.
  • Remember: Less is more. Focus on what matters most to your users.

6. Budget Wisely

Budgeting is a significant concern for non-tech founders. It’s important to allocate your budget wisely across different stages of development. One of the app development strategies to keep in mind is to avoid overspending on non-essential features or overly complex designs.

  • Tip: Work with your development partner to create a detailed budget plan. Include costs for development, testing, and marketing.
  • Note: Keep some budget aside for unexpected expenses that may arise during the project.

On average, app development projects in Kuwait can cost between KWD 5,000 to KWD 30,000, depending on the app’s complexity.

7. Test, Test, and Test Again

Testing is a crucial part of the development process. One of the app development strategies that non-tech founders should never overlook is the importance of rigorous testing. Testing helps identify bugs, improve user experience, and ensure that the app runs smoothly.

  • Tip: Conduct testing in phases. Start with internal testing, followed by beta testing with real users.
  • Remember: A well-tested app is more likely to succeed in the market.

8. Plan for Continuous Improvement

The work doesn’t stop once your app is launched. Continuous improvement is one of the app development strategies that ensures long-term success. Keep gathering user feedback and make regular updates to improve the app.

Tip: Schedule regular updates to fix bugs and add new features based on user feedback.

Note: Continuous improvement keeps your app relevant and engaging for users.

Apps that receive regular updates see a 25% increase in user retention compared to those that don’t.

Also Read – Why Flutter is the Best Framework for App Development

9. Marketing Your App

Even the best app won’t succeed without proper marketing. One of the final app development strategies is to create a robust marketing plan. As a non-tech founder, you might consider using social media, email campaigns, and partnerships to promote your app.

Tip: Start marketing your app before it launches to build anticipation.

Remember: A great app deserves great marketing.

“Marketing is not just an afterthought; it’s a critical component of your app’s success.”


Developing a mobile app as a non-tech founder in Kuwait doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By following these app development strategies, you can navigate the process with confidence. Whether you choose to work with a Flutter App Development Company or another development partner, remember to focus on understanding your market, prioritizing essential features, and continuously improving your app. With the right strategy, your app can succeed in the competitive market.

Ready to bring your app idea to life? CodeKlips is here to help! As a top Flutter App Development Company, we make it easy for non-tech founders in Kuwait to create amazing apps. Let’s turn your vision into reality—contact us today and get started!

Ready to bring your app idea to life? CodeKlips is here to help! As a top Flutter App Development Company, we make it easy for non-tech founders in Kuwait to create amazing apps. Let’s turn your vision into reality contact us today and get started!

Note: Always keep your end-users in mind, and don’t hesitate to seek expert help when needed.


What are the best strategies for developing a mobile app if I’m not tech-savvy?

If you’re not tech-savvy, start by understanding your target audience and market. Choose a simple development approach, like using a Flutter App Development Company for cross-platform apps. Focus on a clean, easy-to-use design and work with a reliable development partner. Make sure to test your app thoroughly and plan for ongoing updates and marketing.

Why is it important to know my market before developing an app?

Knowing your market helps you build an app that meets the needs of your users. If you understand what your target audience wants, you can create an app that solves their problems and makes them happy. This is one of the key app development strategies.

What’s the difference between native and cross-platform app development?

Native app development creates apps specifically for one type of phone, like Android or iOS. Cross-platform development creates one app that works on both types. For non-tech founders, cross-platform development, especially with tools like Flutter, is often simpler and more cost-effective.

How do I choose the right app development company?

Look for a company with experience and good reviews. For a non-tech founder, working with a Flutter App Development Company might be a good choice because Flutter makes development easier. Check their past projects and ask for references to ensure they’re reliable.

What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

An MVP is a version of your app with just the basic features it needs to work. This helps you launch quickly and test your idea before adding more features. It’s a smart way to start if you’re not tech-savvy and want to keep things simple.