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23 September 2024

Trending Mobile App Features for the Healthcare Industry

Kirtan dudhat

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Trending Mobile App Features for the Healthcare Industry

Mobile apps have changed how we access healthcare, making it easier and faster. For healthcare businesses, understanding the right mobile app features is key to providing better services and staying competitive. This blog will explore some of the most important mobile app features that are trending in the healthcare industry today.

Mobile App Features for the Healthcare

1. Telemedicine

Telemedicine has become one of the most essential mobile app features in healthcare. It allows patients to consult doctors without leaving their homes. Telemedicine apps give people access to medical advice through video calls or chats, which is convenient and safe, especially in situations like pandemics.

Tip: Invest in telemedicine features to make your services more accessible to patients.

Note: According to the American Hospital Association, the use of telemedicine grew by 154% in 2020. This shows how important it is for healthcare businesses to have this feature in their mobile apps.

2. Appointment Scheduling

An easy-to-use appointment scheduling feature is a must-have for any healthcare app. It allows patients to book, reschedule, or cancel appointments without having to call the clinic. This saves time for both the patient and the healthcare provider.

Remember: People love convenience, so a simple and clear scheduling tool can keep patients happy.

“A good scheduling feature means fewer missed appointments and better patient satisfaction.”

3. Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Mobile app features like electronic health records (EHR) helps patients to access their medical history anytime. This feature helps patients track their treatments, medications, and test results, which is especially useful for those with chronic conditions.

Reminder: Keep patient data secure by using strong encryption methods. A reliable Flutter App Development Company can help build secure features into your app.

As of 2021, 89% of office-based physicians in the U.S. used EHR systems. Having this feature in your healthcare app is essential.

4. Push Notifications for Reminders

Push notifications are one of the most effective mobile app features for keeping patients engaged. These notifications remind patients about their upcoming appointments, medication schedules, or even tips on staying healthy.

Tip: Don’t overuse push notifications. Send them only when necessary to avoid overwhelming the user.

“Notifications help patients stay on track with their health goals, creating a win-win for both patients and healthcare providers.”

5. Health Monitoring and Wearable Integration

Many patients use wearables like smartwatches or fitness trackers. These devices collect important health data, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and steps taken. Healthcare mobile apps that integrate with wearables give doctors real-time access to this data, allowing for better care.

Note: A Flutter App Development Company can help integrate wearable tech into your mobile app for seamless data sharing.

A survey by Pew Research found that 21% of U.S. adults regularly use wearable fitness trackers. This number is expected to grow, making this feature more important for healthcare apps.

6. AI-Powered Symptom Checker

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a big role in healthcare. One of the best mobile app features is an AI-powered symptom checker. Patients can input their symptoms, and the app uses AI to suggest possible causes or next steps.

Remember: While AI can provide helpful suggestions, it’s not a replacement for a real doctor. Always encourage patients to follow up with a healthcare professional.

“AI symptom checkers save time and help patients understand their health better before visiting a doctor.”

7. Secure Messaging and Communication

Patients often need to talk to healthcare providers outside of appointments. Secure messaging lets them communicate with doctors and nurses through the app, asking questions or sharing concerns.

Reminder: All communication should be encrypted to protect patient privacy. You can work with a Flutter App Development Company to ensure your app has the best security features.

Tip: Providing secure communication options builds trust and increases patient engagement with your healthcare app.

8. Prescription Management

Another helpful mobile app feature is prescription management. Patients can use the app to order refills, check dosage instructions, and even get reminders to take their medications.

“Managing prescriptions through an app reduces medication errors and helps patients stay on track.”

Note: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 50% of patients do not take their medications as prescribed. Adding a prescription management feature can help reduce this issue.

9. Virtual Health Assistant

A virtual health assistant, often powered by AI, can help patients navigate through the app, book appointments, or provide information about their health. These assistants make the app more interactive and user-friendly.

Remember: A simple virtual assistant can make your healthcare app more accessible, especially for older users or those who are not tech-savvy.

Tip: Work with a Flutter App Development Company to develop a smooth virtual assistant feature for your healthcare app.

10. Multi-Language Support

Healthcare apps must cater to a diverse audience. Adding multi-language support ensures that non-English speaking patients can also benefit from the services your app offers.

Reminder: Providing content in different languages increases your app’s reach and user satisfaction.

“Multi-language support is key to making healthcare apps more inclusive and user-friendly.”

11. Emergency Services Access

One of the critical mobile app features for the healthcare industry is emergency service access. With just a click, patients should be able to connect to emergency medical services, like an ambulance or their nearest hospital.

Note: Ensure that this feature is easy to find and use, especially for elderly users or those in distress.

According to a study by the American Journal of Managed Care, healthcare apps with easy access to emergency services can reduce emergency response times by up to 20%.

12. Doctor Review and Rating System

Patients like to know about the doctors they are visiting. Adding a review and rating system helps build trust. Patients can see ratings and feedback from others, helping them make informed decisions about which healthcare provider to choose.

Tip: Ensure the review system is fair and moderated to avoid fake or harmful reviews.

“Transparency builds trust. A rating system lets patients make better choices about their healthcare.”

Also Read – Healthcare Application Development Cost in 2024

13. Data Analytics for Healthcare Providers

While patients benefit from the app, healthcare providers can also use it to access important analytics. These data insights can help providers improve patient care, track common health issues, and predict trends in healthcare needs.

Note: Work with a Flutter App Development Company to create a secure and efficient data analytics feature in your app.

By 2027, the global healthcare analytics market is expected to grow to $75 billion, showing just how valuable data is in this field.


As the healthcare industry continues to embrace digital transformation, having the right mobile app features is essential. From telemedicine and appointment scheduling to AI-powered symptom checkers and wearable integrations, these tools improve patient care and streamline operations for healthcare providers.

When developing a healthcare app, partnering with a Flutter App Development Company can ensure your app is secure, easy to use, and equipped with the latest technology. By including these trending mobile app features, your healthcare business can stay ahead in an ever-evolving market.

Remember: Investing in mobile app features that prioritize patient convenience and security is key to delivering top-notch healthcare services in today’s digital world.

Looking to add top-notch mobile app features to your healthcare business? CodeKlips, a trusted Flutter App Development Company, can help you build secure and user-friendly apps that keep patients happy and connected. Contact us today to bring your healthcare services into the digital future!


What are mobile app features in healthcare?

Mobile app features in healthcare are tools and functions that help patients and doctors use healthcare apps better. Examples include video calls with doctors, booking appointments, and checking medical records.

Why is telemedicine important for healthcare apps?

Telemedicine lets patients talk to doctors through video calls or chats from their homes. It’s important because it makes it easy for people to get medical help without needing to visit the clinic, which can save time and keep everyone safe.

How can appointment scheduling in a healthcare app help?

Appointment scheduling lets patients book, change, or cancel appointments easily using their phones or tablets. It makes managing visits simpler and saves time for both patients and doctors.

What is electronic health records (EHR) in a healthcare app?

EHR is a feature that lets patients see their medical history, test results, and treatments on their phone. It helps people keep track of their health and share information with their doctors.

How do push notifications benefit patients using healthcare apps?

Push notifications send reminders to patients about their appointments, medicines, or health tips. This helps patients remember important health-related tasks and stay on track with their treatment.